Howdy Fiona!
How are you doing? I hope you are great.
I am with Mr. Matsui and Mr. Suzuki from Teglet.
We are going in their car to the airport and I will be flying to Europe. Nice!
I went to Teglet for my ticket and they just handed it over tome - are they not the nicest folks?
And, I am gaining many frequent flier miles, too!
Mr. Suzuki says his hobby is washing his car.
He came all the way back to Japan to wash his car.
Now he is returning to Saudi Arabia, where he is the director of the Teglet Branch Office there.
I wonder if "washing his car" is a euphemism?
Hmmm. Anyway, Mr. Matsui is also taking him to the airport.
I'm off!
[Mr. Matsui]:松井先生
[Mr. Suzuki]:鈴木先生
Hey Fiona!
I fell asleep in the car on the way to the airport.
I woke up when Mr. Suzuki said in a loud voice "We're here!".
Imagine my surprise when I opened my eyes expecting the real airport only to find we were at a private air field and about to ride in Mr.Matsui's private little airplane!
While they were preparing the plane for our flight, I looked around Tokyo Bay and just hung out.
I will email you again before we leave.
Take care!
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My Gosh, Fiona!!!
I cannot believe it but I am still alive!
I don't know how long I slept, because I fainted!
Mr. Matsui is a daredevil pilot, and he had his plane doing flips and loops and rolls.
I got sick and lost consciousness while those two were enjoying the ride from hell!
Now there is a jungle underneath us and I gather we will land soon - I cannot WAIT to have ground under my feet again!
But, I guess we are not going to Europe after all and my ticket is useless!
We are flying over Thailand now! I wonder what is next?
I'm a bit worried about the next stop on my journey!
What kind of trip have I gotten into this time?
More soon,
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My Golly Golly Golly, Fiona!
The view has changed quickly.
Now we are flying over a desert.
We are flying pretty low and I can see the ground!
Mr. Matsui is kind of laughing and joking around as he flies.Mr. Suzuki is reading a book. I am weary and dirty and sweaty and just bone-tired. Yuck!
But then Mr. Suzuki says "It's time!" and he just jumps out of the plane with a parachute.
I kind of yelped at that point and Iam in the back anyway.
Mr. Matsui says that Mr. Suzuki does not care for his landing technique and prefers to parachute to the ground.
Great! I thought we were going to Europe! I wish this was a dream...
Mon Dieu!